Member-only story
How to overcome “writer’s block”
Lessons from the master himself: Mr. Steven Pressfield.
I’m unmotivated.
There are days when I don’t want to read anything, don’t want to take any notes, don’t want to think anything.
As I sit there in silence doing nothing, something starts to gnaw at me. You see, I know I have to do it.
I have to write, and I know I’m doing myself a huge disservice by ignoring it.
But. I just don’t want to.
Save me. Why am I like that?
Before I go any further. I just want to promise you, you won’t catch me saying anything remotely close to:
“You’re not alone. Just deal with it I guess.”
“Me too. It’s alright.”
“Yeah, that’s life you know. Roll with it.”
I get steaming mad when people say those things to me as if they are sage advice.