Member-only story
How to dictate your own purpose
I decided I’m a writer and there I was — a god damn writer.
For the longest I couldn’t figure out what my purpose was in this world.
I kept looking back at my life trying to connect the dots,
trying to find a semblance of meaning somewhere,
trying to swim away from that confusing frustration.
But I couldn’t see the logic anywhere and so I decided I had enough.
Since, I can’t find it, I will give myself a purpose to live out instead:
Literally, that’s how my “write everyday for a year” challenge begin.
It’s pretty straightforward:
Like a fish swims, a writer writes.
So if I’m a writer, I must write — I must be writing all the time.
I gave myself ONE job and I swear to make it count.
I will turn my inner aspiring-writer into a real professional writer.
Here’s an article I have written on “How to Turn Pro”, and it applies to any field, especially for the Arts.
(i live by these tips myself and it has helped me…